Friday Faves

Friday Faves & Friday's Letters

TGIF!! I am so glad it's finally the weekend! Was it just me or did this week go by extremely slow?! Well anyway, here we go... Favorite Laugh... Favorite Maxi... {as seen on FashBoulevard & available at Kiki La'Rue <--go check both out :) } Favorite Tutorial... {Can be found HERE} Favorite New Purchase... {Forever21.com, of course} Favorite Dream Kitchen... Favorite DIY... ************************* Now...

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Our Story Part 3

I wish I could say that that's the end to it all {Part 2} & that we went on from there and ended up here today. Unfortunately, I can't, there is much more. Our first year together was amazing, I was still working for him so we had to find that balance between our own personal relationship & our work one. Let me...

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Our Story Part 2

Come December of 2006 I was still on/off with that boyfriend mentioned in {Our Story Part 1} & still taking a keen liking to Andrew. Our first date-ish... You want to talk about dense, that was me at this time. I had originally planned on going ice skating with the boyfriend-ish guy & a couple of our friends, and I thought it would...

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Our Story Part 1

So lately I have been thinking a lot about the past seven years of my life and just how important every single one of them has been in regards to one of the biggest parts of my life, my husband. I want to spend the next few days sharing with all of you our story, every last bit of it! I hope you...

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I have been wanting to share the story of how Andrew & I became "us" for a while & now seems like the perfect time to do so. I hope that you enjoy getting to know me {& Andrew} a little bit better through these posts  :) Enjoy! {Click HERE to read} {Click HERE to read} {Click HERE to read} {Click HERE to...

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Tuesday Randoms...

Don't you hate that feeling when you roll over in the morning, look at the clock & it says 8:22 {then realizing you were supposed to be at work at 8}... That was how my morning started, possibly the worst feeling in the world, being late! So, that is how my day started and I feel like I have been playing catch-up ever...

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Weekend Recap!

Is it just me or do the weekends go way too fast?! Well here we are again, another Monday dragging along... At least I get to recount my weekend and share some pictures with all of you! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! :) Friday Night... I spent the evening with my mother, sister and sister's friend at the Muny seeing Aladdin! Seriously,...

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