Today I want to introduce you all to an amazing lady & blogger {A girl after my own heart actually!!! :) } Take it away Lesley... Helloooo there Scribble and Dash readers! I'm Lesley and I blog over at By the Porchlight. Thank you so much, Melissa, for asking me to stop by today! It's super cold here in Newfoundland so this is...
Going through all my old CD's to make the playlist for Subway's Christmas party last week The balloons just made my night <3 Ugly Christmas sweater party with some amazing ladies from high school Santa's following me on Twitter... Better be on my best behavior Yesterday's excursions to get wrapping paper for all the kiddos Christmas presents {this was the third trip to...
Seven days until Christmas Eve... Can you believe it?! Because I certainly can't... I mean, wasn't it just the Fourth of July like last week?! This year has just flown by!! This past weekend was crazy busy, two Christmas parties along with finishing up Christmas shopping has taken it out of me! So here is just a little picture recap of the weekend......