
Dear World...

dear husband, I love you {& the very first picture of us EVER taken... even though I look absolutely hideous, who let me go out looking like this... & the eye brows, ey ey ey} dear pups, could you be any cuter?! seriously, mama loves getting you up in the morning... Mab, you're always ready to go & it's cutest thing ever. Khloe,...

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Really... It's Okay...

It's Okay... That I continuously keep forgetting to eat breakfast & fill up on coffee instead That Starbucks keeps calling my name every darn day on my way home from work... Seriously I may have a problem That we have NOTHING planned for this weekend & I absolutely can not wait to do nothing That I really want the iPhone5 {even though my...

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Mab & Khloe say "THANK YOU"...


Introducing CRAFT-N-DASH...

Is it Friday yet?! I'm already over this week... BUT on a happier note, last night I launched my ETSY shop {Craft-N-Dash}!! I have to give credit for the name to my husband, yeah every now and then he has a great idea ;) **love you dear** Currently I have my Coffee Cozie's up & ready to go {give me a week or...

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Let's Talk High School; Show & Tell

1. Tell us what kind of student you were in high school {popular, nerd, sport obsessed, choir, etc}? Honestly, were really "labeled" that way, of course there were a few crazies but other than that, we were all just there, hanging out, going to class and just having a good time. I know it sounds crazy but it's true, I never once felt...

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Instagram @mmlarose
