
Sponsor intro & Giveaway!! :)

Happy Friday everyone! I am in severe need of this weekend, severe! So I couldn't be any happier that it is Friday! Today I am going to introduce you guys to one of my LOVELY side bar ladies! Her name is Kelly & she blogs over at Blart!! Take it away Kelly... Hello! My name is Kelly I am 22 years old and...

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" Is your house on fire, Clark?"


I don't want to jinx it but this week seems to be flying by, which is TOTALLY fine with me! We have already made it to Wednesday which means I get to share with you some of the stuff that has been going on via Instagram lately by linking up with the lovely Jenn 1. If I haven't said it already, this pumpkin...

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What to do with that left over turkey {Recipe}

Okay so we all love turkey & on Thanksgiving we indulge in this delicious food. Once this glorious day is over we are left with an abundance of left overs, & it may just be me but it gets old eating plain turkey & turkey sandwiches day after day. I turned to an old recipe last night, one that my family has made...

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It's been a while

Really guys it's been a while... Having a four day weekend is just not normal for me so I decided to enjoy every minute of it {& unfortunately blogging just didn't happen even though I had every intention of doing so} Now that I am back to the real world... I'm going to share with you all some of the fun stuff that...

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Instagram @mmlarose
