
The Giveaway Winner Is...

Congratulations to ALI... Over at A Day in the Life of a Princess (GO CHECK HER OUT!) ... On being the winner of my VERY FIRST GIVEAWAY!!! :) Thank you to everyone who entered!!!! Ali, go ahead and send me an email (melissa.larose@cemsi.net) with the address of where you would like your prize to be sent!!! :) Hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend!...

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Friday Faves

Friday Faves!

Can you believe it's almost July?! I know I can't... Anyway, it's Friday again and you know what that means, Friday Faves time... {Not so} Favorite Part of St. Louis Summer... (especially when the majority of my activities for the weekend and next week all revolve around the outdoors...) Source Favorite Maxi Look... Source Favorite Fourth of July beverage... Source Favorite OC Moment...

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50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind

As I am coming up to the end of these questions I am hoping that you all have enjoyed reading them just as much as I have enjoyed answering and sharing them! Today I am going to answer questions 41-45 (then finish up on Tuesday with the last five) 41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who...

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Then & Now

If you are anything like me you absolutely love knowing what your fave celebs are up to... Yesterday afternoon I was browsing online articles, like I usually do, and came across photos of a Spice Girls reunion while they promoted an upcoming musical Viva Forever, inspired by some of their hit songs. I was immediately drawn in... I remember fighting with my friends over...

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50 Questions & Bachelorette Update!

As I am nearing the end of the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind I am wanting to challenge everyone reading to take the time and answer them as well, whether you put them on your blog for others to see or not! :) {Check out Amber over at Brunch with Amber and see how she answers these same questions, she was my...

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Weekend Recap

This past weekend was so much fun, yet so exhausting at the same time! Thursday... One of my best friends graduated from the Police Academy, this was such a huge accomplishment for her and I am so proud and so happy for her :) Friday... Another one of my best friends had her birthday party, let's just say it was a great but...

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I am so excited to announce that starting today I will be opening up my very first giveaway! Over the past few months I have had such a blast writing for my blog and seeing all the nice and sweet comments along with the newest followers! So I wanted to come up with a fun way to show my gratitude, and what better...

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