Dear Friday, how did you get here so quickly?! I am not complaining, it's just becoming insane how fast the weeks are flying. Dear Fall, please hurry up, I'm tired of these temperatures already {Oh and I can't wait to start dressing Fall-Style}. Dear Andrew, I love you babe :) Dear Mexico, only 17 more days, I seriously can not wait! Dear Summer...
Since wedding season is just about upon us, I thought it would be fun to dedicate a couple posts to those of us who will be guests at these weddings. Yes, we all know that the bride is the star of the day but that doesn't mean that as a guest you can't put your best foot forward and show up looking fabulous! I...
Just a few short weeks ago I joined Jenn over at Perfectly Imperfect & Whitney over at I Wore Yoga Pants To Work for their Nail Polish Swap. The rules were easy, we each got paired up with a fellow blogger, and were asked to shop for nail polish then package it all up and send it out to our partner. I have...
As many people who know me, know, I am an extreme DIY-er. I love making things on my own & it always makes me extremely proud when I get to show it off. This past week I tackled probably one of my favorite projects to date, my chevron wall art. Andrew & I were struggling trying to figure out just what we wanted...
This past weekend one of my cousins got married so here is a little recap {with pictures of course}... 1. Andrew with my sister, Megan {She is fifteen and with her heels was taller than him lol} /// 2. Me and my other sister, Melanie, on the way to the ceremony /// 3. Andrew & I at the reception, cuteness all around ///...