I don't know what the weather is like where you are but here we are in the middle of a crazy ice storm, apparently the last big ice storm was in 2006 so it's a big deal. Needless to say I'll be hunkered down in my house with my boys today and pretty much all weekend! Psst... I've been given a year of...
Now that January is here and we are all most likely jumping on the healthy living train I figured I would share with you all a recipe a week that I find myself loving and that will help you all stay the course of healthy eating! Today I am sharing with you all one of my favorite snack choices! It's a go to...
Happy Monday, all! I hope you had a great weekend, ours was freezing but great none the less! So I say we just jump right on into today's topic. Weddings. For those of you who have already had one you know how crazy it can be to plan. For those in the thralls of planning, may you not be pulling your hair out....