
What I've been reading & a little info about my book

On vacation I read roughly four books. Anyone who knows me will realize that was pretty much my paradise {of course the drinks, sand and ocean helped tremendously} So what did I read you ask?! Well, allow me to share... First and foremost I finished the Fifty Shades trilogy. I had finished the first book and probably about 15% of the second one...

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Let the birthday countdown begin

So my birthday is Sunday, which is pretty awesome because I am off work on Monday for Labor Day. While sitting here I was going to put together a wish list of all the things that I want but the more I tried the more I realized, there's nothing that makes me think "I NEED THIS!" Which I personally find quite interesting, I usually...

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Return The Favor Bloglovin' style

We have made it half way through the week, YAY! Oh and that also means 4 days until I turn the big 2-4!!! Just saying, I'm pretty darn excited about my birthday. It doesn't matter how old I get, I still feel that it is absolutely acceptable to want to go all out & celebrate {Which I fully intend to do :) }...

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Back to real life...

While I am glad to be home and getting back in the swing of things I am beginning to feel the Mexico blues. Right about now I should be sitting on the beach under the shade of a nice palm tree, on my second or third drink {yes I realize it's only 10am but hey, while on vacay...} & deeply involved in my...

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Megan @ Growing Up Is Actually Kind of Fun

Happy Monday Bloggers... As I am packing up and getting ready to make the trek home I have one last guest to introduce you to. Her name is Megan who blogs over at Growing Up is Actually Kind of Fun. I absolutely love reading her blog, getting to know her & hearing all about her latest adventures specifically, her beer tasting extravaganzas {I...

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Instagram @mmlarose
