

I feel that this title is appropriate on a couple different levels. One being that, well it's Friday and I couldn't be happier. Two being that I want to share something, that I'm sure the majority of you have heard tons about already and has made me entirely happy. Originally airing on TGIF some years ago. Yes, that's right, the beloved Boy Meets...

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Some exciting stuff :)

You can find me over here today... Don't forget about this awesome giveaway going on right now as well... Happy Thursday :) ...

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Insta-Lately & Ornament Swap Reveal!

Time for one of my favorite link ups! Instalately with Jenn :) 1. Attempting to deter a friend from going carb free! 2. Miss Khloe taking over the blanket I'm making... I guess she thinks it's going to be all hers. 3. Went to On The Run first thing Saturday morning, within an hour I wanted more coffee so we went down the...

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Time to start that Christmas shopping!

Okay so most of you have probably already started or may even be done with your shopping, while I am sitting here having no clue what I'm getting anyone. This year I will be turning to many ETSY shops that I have found through blogging. With that being said I just wanted to show you all what's been going on over at my...

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What a weekend!

I very much dislike Mondays. Really, there's no point. Anyway, this weekend was pretty awesome. Friday night we stayed in, well except for going to pick up our new tv that we purchased on Cyber Monday {which means I will now get a tv in the kitchen *yay*} Saturday, oh boy Saturday... I spent the entire day reading this I ended up finishing...

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Instagram @mmlarose
