
Why I Run.

So I talk a lot about training, about fitness and about running. What I don't talk a lot about is they why behind it all. Today I want to share that with you, honestly I apologize that it has taken this long. I run for many reasons. One being it gets me out of the house, gets me that much needed alone time....

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Making The Tough Decision

My posts about training have been few and far between lately, due to an injury to my left knee that has left me extremely discouraged and aggravated. I went to see a physical therapist and she said my knee cap was just not tracking right but rather slipping over to the right when it wasn't supposed to be. She gave me some exercises...

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Fitness Challenge

Spring into Summer Workout Series with Sworkit - #2

Nothing says Monday like a new Sworkit workout in the Spring into Summer Series! I'm having so much fun creating and completing these workouts! It's so  nice to be able to squeeze in a quick 20 minute workout in the middle of a hectic day. Seriously, this app has just been a life saver, bottom line. We are all busy but there's no...

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