
First Giveaway WIN!

So I have been itching for the chance to write this post... Silly work and getting in my way.  ANYWAY... All last week, Megan over at Growing Up Is Actually Kind of Fun hosted her first giveaway.. The prize?! a $25 gift certificate to Erin Condren & I WON!!!! I couldn't be more excited and I can't wait to choose what to get!! :) Thank...

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Friday Faves

Friday Faves!

Another week has come and gone... Can anyone else believe that we are already approaching July?! It's crazy!!! Well as this week is coming to a close it's time for me to share with you all some of my favorite things... Favorite Look... Favorite Shoes... Favorite Truth... Favorite Food (James Duigan's Ultimate Clean & Lean Lettuce Wrap) Favorite Summer Scene... Favorite Laugh... Favorite...

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Work Out Essentials...

Summer is here!! && what goes better with summer than swimming and relaxing by the pool? That's right, nothing... so to get ready (or to catch up) to wear my bathing suits... yes, plural, I have been doing my absolute best to start running and working out again. {Another huge motivation for me to get in shape and used to running again is...

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50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind: Part 7

Today I will be answering questions 31-35 (found HERE with all the thanks, for getting me into this, going out to Amber, who's blog can be found HERE) 31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? Whenever I am writing I feel this way, I wish I could say that I had this feeling everyday but I...

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What I'm Loving Wednesday...

Today I am going to be linking up with Jamie and share with you all some things that I am loving this Wednesday :) I'm loving... My little sister on her 20th birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELANIE :) *Megan(left), Melanie(center), me(right)* I'm loving... My cousins little boy, Mason who is 1 today, HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY MASON I'm loving... the flowers from our garden being used...

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50 Questions & Bachelorette Update!!!!

Happy Tuesday all! So I haven't been keeping up with my Bachelorette updates that much as of late, however I want to do a quick rundown today! *I have been very busy the past few Mondays and didn't have a lot of time to recap to the best of my abilities and I didn't want to just throw out a half cooked update!*...

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Weekend Recap

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Here is a recap of what we were up to... Friday... I registered for a few classes this summer We hung our new LARGE clock, I am currently obsessed with it :) Needed to de-stress after a LONG week... Saturday...  let the yard work begin, tearing up a large section of the previous owners "landscaping" :/...

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