
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - My Picks for Athletic Wear

Yesterday the sale went public! Yay! Today, I am finishing up my favorites from the sale by sharing with you all my choices for athletic wear. This seems all too fitting as right now I am running with a good friend of mine as we train for our Half Marathon we are completing in October. 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 ||...

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Fitness Friday : RX Bar Review

It's that time of the week again! It's Fitness Friday here on the blog and I have to say today's post has me so excited. I have tried many different protein bars in my time and I have to say I've never been truly satisfied or happy with any of them. I was lucky enough to try one of these bars a few...

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Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - My Picks Round 2

We're almost there! The Nordstrom Sale opens up to the public in just a couple of days and in preparation I am sharing with you all just a few, okay more like twenty, more of my favorites that I can't wait to go and try on! I've seen a lot of these options on other bloggers who already have their items from the...

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Summer Workout Series : National Ice Cream Day!

So, yesterday was National Ice Cream Day and in honor of such a glorious day we are highly encouraging you all to go back to last week's post and try out the workout that will absolutely have your muscle's SCREAMING for ice cream! I took the boys to a local ice cream shop so we could celebrate this great day and I am...

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