1. Wine & J.Box, it doesn't get much better than that. Okay, maybe it does but I'd rather not think like that, kay? Those greasy tacos hit the spot every darn time. /// 2. Chili-mac & cornbread for lunch, yummmm. /// 3. Walking through Kirkwood on my way to drinks with a great friend, I love the small town feel of this area...
Today I'm having an extremely off day. I can't explain it but I feel very unmotivated to do anything, which explains this short & sweet post. These little faces have a tendency to cheer me up so I figured I'd share a picture of them from last Halloween. Have you ever just had one of those days where you just don't really want...
We are half way there! Yay! Okay so before I get started blowing your mind with my amazing pins I want to talk about something that has recently taken over my life... Fall TV. I feel like things went from "oh, there's nothing on tonight" to "holy crap! what are we going to cut out?!" in the matter of days. On the line...
Hello everyone! So we've all seen the commercials & if you're anything like me, you've already checked it out {at least once}... What am I talking about?! ShoeDazzle. Well, today I have Anya Sarre, stylist for ShoeDazzle.com, here to take over my blog and share with you all her Fall Apparel Must Haves! If you know me at all, she had me at...
Happy Monday everyone! First off I want to ask, notice anything different around here?!? Yeah, well hopefully you do. A blogger I adore by the name of Whitney {You can find her own little piece of the web universe at I Wore Yoga Pants To Work}. She does great work so if you are looking for a blog makeover, check out her out...