
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - My Picks Round 1

If you have been on almost any form of social media the past couple days then you know the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is in FULL SWING for Credit/Debit card holders and everyone else is anxiously awaiting for July 22nd when the sale goes public. I remember waiting last year and telling myself I would definitely get a debit card prior to this year's...

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Fitness Friday : Best Homemade Granola Recipe

I know I'm a little later than usual posting this and for that I apologize. Let's jump right on in, shall we?! Personally, I am obsessed with parfait's and recently I've been eating them almost daily! I decided that instead of buying granola every week I would go ahead and try to make my own and see how it compared... Bottom line, I...

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Summer Workout Series : I Scream {for Ice Cream} Workout

So next Monday is National Ice Cream today so between today and next Monday Sworkit and I are sharing with you a workout that will make your muscles scream for ice cream! We are so lucky to have such an incredible local ice cream joint that's been around longer than I've been alive! If you ever find yourself in the St. Louis area...

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