It's that time again! Yup, that's right... Time to share my faves & letters! This week has gone by extremely fast {in my opinion} & I can't wait to get the weekend started! So, off we go... First, I'm going to be linking up with Ashley over at Adventures of Newleyweds for her Friday's Letters post. Dear Andrew, Thank you for finally hanging up...
When it comes to make up I will have to admit that I tend to settle... In fact, I have an issue with not liking to try new things. I buy the same things over and over again even if I only find them to be satisfactory {I get scared that it could get worse & I'm extremely indecisive so spending an hour...
Happy Wednesday everyone! So today I am linking up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for her "What I'm Loving Wednesday" Post. There are so many things that I am wanting to share with my fellow bloggers so what better way than to put them all together in one glorious post?! Here we go... I'm Loving my newest purchases from F21! {I...
So I am extremely excited about linking up with Becky over at From Mrs. to Mama for her Blogger 411 Link Up today! Want to know more about me?! Well, here's your chance... Oh, & be sure to let me know if you link up and answer these questions too, I'd love to get to know you better!!! :) 1. How long have...
This past weekend has marked the beginning of a very busy next few weeks. I am extremely excited to get the festivities of the next couple of months started, & here are some pics of this weekend that kicked everything off... Friday... One of my best friends, Liz, celebrated her birthday so of course that included grabbing some drinks & hanging out :)...
So at this point Andrew & I had been dating for about two and a half years. We knew where we wanted things to go in our relationship so we started planning, more concretely, our future. Before we could do any serious planning there was one teeny little question that he had to ask first :) On my twenty-first birthday everything was going...
This part of the story is probably my absolute favorite... We were back together, it wasn't always easy, there were still a bunch of hurdles we would have to jump but we were where we wanted to be, together. At this point I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my...