Friday Faves

Friday Faves!

TGIF Everyone! It's that time again, here are some of my favorite things right now... Favorite Truth... Favorite Laugh... (For those of you who love The Bachelorette as much as I do) Favorite Flashback... who didn't love this movie?! Favorite Athlete... (Nastia Liukin) Favorite Dress... (can be found HERE... thank you to Anna over at FashBoulebard for the suggestion) Well that's it for...

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What to read next...

Anyone who knows me would tell you that I am obsessed with reading... seriously, I can't help myself. I have a huge library of paperbacks along with both a NOOK and a KINDLE! This is strictly because the hubby loves to read just as much, I had a NOOK so to be difficult he chose to get a KINDLE (Epic battle in our...

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50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind : Part 5

Today I will be answering questions 21-25 of the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind, inspired by Brunch with Amber... 21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? A joyful simpleton for sure, I hate worrying, I tend to do it a lot but whenever I can just let go and be happy and stress free I am...

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What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Yay, we are half way through the week!!! This Wednesday I am going to do something new and link up with  This Kind of Love and post a "What I'm Loving Wednesday" post! [found this idea from Green Fashionista ] *Check them both out when you get a chance, you will be happy you did!* I'm Loving... My adorable puppies :) I'm Loving... My followers...

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Disney World... What I Wore

Last week I got to spend four wonderful days in Walt Disney World (Check out some pics here) with my parents and sisters. I had such a blast being able to go on vacation with them again, and since Disney is our location of choice it was guaranteed to be a good time! The whole trip was full of walking the parks, riding...

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50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind : Part 4

Here are my answers for Questions 16-20 that can be found HERE 16. How come the things that make you happy don't make everyone happy? Because everyone's different and being that each person is an individual and no one else is EXACTLY like them makes our likes and dislikes different... The world would be a pretty boring place if we all liked and...

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Liebster Award!

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.The Meaning; Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome. I have been tagged by Peaches and Cream <- Check out her blog! "Read more" to see my answers... Here are the rules... 1. Each person must post 11 things...

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Summertime Apparel Inspiration Board

Happy Monday everyone!!! I hope this weekend treated you all well, it was definitely a low key weekend for the hubby and I, such a nice change of pace for once :) Anyway, now that summer is just about in full swing there is one question on just about every girls mind... "What should I wear?" Having asked myself this question, A LOT,...

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