Friday Faves

Flashback Friday Faves : Dear Sam...

Tomorrow one of my best friends ever is getting married... Today's Friday post is dedicated entirely to her and is filled with a bunch of pictures of the two of us growing up... These are my Friday faves this week... Sam, I want to start off by saying that I am sorry for the amount of embarrassing pictures I am about to share of the...

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My Summertime Playlist

As summer is right around the corner I am anxiously waiting the days where I can lay out by the pool, relax and of course listen to my iPod! I have been carefully planning my song list the past couple of days and wanted to share some of my favorite songs on this summers playlist... 2012 Summer Songs Hell On Heels - Postol...

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Our wedding

I couldn't believe that the day had finally come for Andrew & I to get married. We had been engaged for a year and a half & there were times {many times} where it just seemed so far away that it would never happen. But that morning, I can't even explain how I felt, extremely excited, scared, nervous... Just about everything a bride...

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