TGIF! I have something very exciting to share with you all today... A while ago I sat down & told myself "You will learn how to crochet & how to do it well..." I YouTubed some instructions & after a few trial & errors this happened... You can purchase this scarf {in many different colors} HERE! Now what you are all ACTUALLY here...
Happy Thursday everyone! By now I am sure you have heard of a blog named Fash Boulevard! Ana James, the brains and beauty behind this wonderful fashion blog has taken time to answer a few questions for me to share with all of you! Seriously, she is the SWEETEST, I am telling you right now, once you are done reading this post, go check...
1. Our back yard, so full of leaves! I absolutely love it, sooo pretty! 2. Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan. Seriously, everyone needs to try it {RECIPE HERE!} 3. Just hanging out, by the pantry, where the treats are... Sneaky little girls! 4. My Breakfast at Tiffany's poncho {Please, do yourself & your closet a favorite & add this piece to it now... Just sayin'...}...
So as any upstanding blogger, I am thoroughly obsessed with Pinterest, I could pin all day long & well sometimes I do! Whoever came up with this brilliant little website should get a hug because it is the perfect thing for procrastinating people, like me... "Oh, that looks cool, pin for later" - Only, later rarely seems to happen. BUT I finally took...
1. Tell us about how and when you met your love and what attracted you most to him. We met in September of 2005 when I started working at Subway {he was my manager}. It took us over a year to even realize we were interested in one another {November 2006 was when we hung out for the first time, however it wasn't...