Six years ago {yesterday to be exact} a little relationship started... Dear Andrew, New years Eve 06-07 Halloween Prom You remember...
Or at least I wish, so I didn't have to be at work... Stupid snow skipped right over us and decided to hit pretty much EVERYWHERE around us. Seriously, just twenty minutes away they were getting inches and inches of snow... Here, nothing. Wtf?!? Anywayyy, so it's been a while since I've been around this place. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I...
Today I want to introduce you all to an amazing lady & blogger {A girl after my own heart actually!!! :) } Take it away Lesley... Helloooo there Scribble and Dash readers! I'm Lesley and I blog over at By the Porchlight. Thank you so much, Melissa, for asking me to stop by today! It's super cold here in Newfoundland so this is...
Going through all my old CD's to make the playlist for Subway's Christmas party last week The balloons just made my night <3 Ugly Christmas sweater party with some amazing ladies from high school Santa's following me on Twitter... Better be on my best behavior Yesterday's excursions to get wrapping paper for all the kiddos Christmas presents {this was the third trip to...
Seven days until Christmas Eve... Can you believe it?! Because I certainly can't... I mean, wasn't it just the Fourth of July like last week?! This year has just flown by!! This past weekend was crazy busy, two Christmas parties along with finishing up Christmas shopping has taken it out of me! So here is just a little picture recap of the weekend......
So Friday, we meet again. This weekend is shaping up to be a busy one! Tonight, Andrew's work Christmas party. Tomorrow night, Ugly Sweater Party. Sunday, family time! Mixed in will be some crafting for Christmas gifts, wrapping of said gifts & hopefully getting some relaxing time in. I haven't written any letters lately so here we go... Dear Friday, how nice of...
Don't make fun of me for the title, my uncle posted it to Facebook earlier this morning and I chuckled at it... Therefore it became today's title. I wonder how many people are going to be getting married today, or doing everything they can to have their babies?!? I mean, if I were in any position where this day could be made significant...
First, get your head out of the gutter... Sheesh. Moving on, Christmas shopping. For some, this is an easy task and many have been done with their shopping for some time. Not this girl. Nope. On a scale of one to being completely done... I would say I'm at a four. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I need to get my act together but...
One Art By: Elizabeth Bishop The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster. Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. The art of losing isn’t hard to master. Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where...
I feel that this title is appropriate on a couple different levels. One being that, well it's Friday and I couldn't be happier. Two being that I want to share something, that I'm sure the majority of you have heard tons about already and has made me entirely happy. Originally airing on TGIF some years ago. Yes, that's right, the beloved Boy Meets...