
How I spent my weekend.

12:23:00 PM

I have to believe that Andrew & I aren't the only couple who plans to "run to the store real quick" & then ends up spending hours {along with spending much more money than anticipated} shopping.

This is what happened this weekend...

A quick trip to Home Depot for a hanging rack ended in picking out paint samples for our kitchen & purchasing a drill. Then on the way home Andrew wants to "swing by" Target {to get said hanging rack that Home Depot didn't have}, I laugh... There is no such thing as "swinging by" that glorious place. This ended in me purchasing the new Taylor Swift CD, a new bed for Khloe & Mab {they approved} & picking up supplies to make a cheese cake... Needless to say the main reason any of this shopping took place, we were not able to find.

Later that night we ended up at Barnes & Noble, which I was more than thrilled to browse through since I have a Kindle, going to the actual book store is a rare happening. I decided to purchase Lauren Conrad's new book Beauty {because I absolutely love her first one, Style}

Taylor Swift & Lauren Conrad in one day? I was one happy girl.

That evening while listening to the inspiring words of Miss Swift {who cares that I'm married, I can still rock out & love her songs about dumb guys... Let's be real, it doesn't change *I love you dear!*} & reading up on Lauren Conrad's beauty tips I realized just how much I have changed in the aspect of my own personal style.

I have always been enamored by Lauren Conrad's ability to look effortlessly gorgeous all of the time. Reading her books, learning the tips & tricks she has picked up over the years inspires me to take better care of myself, my skin, my body & to always present myself in a way that makes me feel my best. This doesn't mean that tons of makeup has to be applied {I have definitely learned that less is more} or that I have to wear the "in" name brand clothes. Rather to do what makes me happy & what makes me feel my best, after all Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

For me it's all about my mood. If I am feeling a little more sassy I'll dress up a little bit more than most likely necessary, but who cares {I used to worry about overdressing but not anymore}! If I am feeling cozy & comfy you will most likely see me in sweats and a hoodie at work or leggings and a sweater for a night out. I want to feel my best at any given moment, the second I started compromising that was the moment I realized I wasn't going to be happy no matter what I wore or how I looked.

Of course I am still a work in progress & most likely always will be that work in progress. I feel extremely lucky to have realized this because now I get to experiment with different styles, trends & beauty products without worrying about what anyone thinks but me {this doesn't mean I won't ask people for their opinions, I will fully admit there are times where I just need to be told "no" lol}. I am learning, though to find inspiration anywhere & everywhere, taking things that seem appealing then style them however I feel best in them. There are a lot of things going on in my life right now that are making daily things difficult to handle {things that one day I hope to be able to share openly} but for now I am taking a stand, taking back this control of who I am & how I present myself by simply being me...

Before I end this post I want to say Happy Veteran's Day & send out a HUGE thank you to all who have served & are currently serving our country...

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  1. I love this :) We definitely need to talk more, because I feel like I could have written this post! Now I need that book. XoXo!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! I love Home Depot and Target! Definitely money holes though! :)

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! :)
    I can't wait to check out LC's new book!!

    Love your blog!

  4. LOOOOOVE Target and Lauren Conrad! No you definitely can never just "swing by" that glorious place! My H feels the same way about Home Depot and Lowes :-P

  5. I LOVE TARGET! And I've heard great things about LC's books, but I have yet to put one in my possession..

  6. We do the same thing.. go out for one thing and spend hours buying everything under the sun :) I love the part about being yourself.... this is something I've realized in recent years. I definitely dress based off my mood also, and can't say I have a certain type of style.. it's just whatever I feel like! I need to get that book!

  7. It's been a while since I stopped by and I totally agree, a trip to Target can eat away a couple of hours!! I have a nook color and it makes me sad I no longer go to Barnes & Noble, but I always make a stop at the book section in Target hahaha and I there are a couple of authors whose books I will always buy...Sandra Brown for one!! I love Lauren conrad...she has great style!!

  8. I actually thumbed through one of LC books at B&N the other day. I kind of wanted it!!! xoxo

  9. You are beautiful and it's from the inside out!! Just remember that the most flattering thing youcanwear isthat smile ;)

  10. I love this! I haven't read Lauren Conrad's books, but I'm obsessed with her so I think they will be my next purchase for my Kindle. Or do you think they are necessary to purchase in hardback? Thanks for this great post!



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