
Mexico Get Away Part III & The VMAs

9:50:00 AM

It's finally Friday, woo! I can't tell you how excited I am for this work week to be over & start the weekend!!

SO, who watched the VMA's last night?! I did while drinking about half of a bottle of wine, I even resorted to bringing the bottle with me into the living room so that I didn't have to make multiple trips to fill up my glass... Makes sense right!?

I was pretty impressed. Kevin Hart was hilarious & I admit to re-watching his opening when the show was replayed. One Direction cleaned house by winning everything they were nominated for, even beating out Justin Bieber {did anyone even see him last night, did I miss something?!}.

I was very moved by Frank Ocean's performance, sadly I had never even heard of him until last night *ashamed* but I do believe I have found a new artist that will take over my iPod for a while. Miley Cyrus anyone?! I was one of those people who were appalled when she cut her hair but last night, she owned it & I was loving it...

Who else is excited for the new Twilight movie coming out in November? Me! Cheesy is to be expected but I don't even care, I'm obsessed and the teaser trailer last night, yup definitely can't wait! It should be interesting to see Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson during promotion {notice, she was not there last night :( }. And as I drifted off to sleep last night the lovely words by Miss Taylor Swift replayed in my head... over & over & over again... repetitive much?!?

What was your favorite part of the VMAs?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
As promised I am going to share with you all the final installment of our pictures from Mexico. I have always wanted to do a mini photo session on the beach with Andrew {a few years back we did one with my fam when we were in Destin & I really enjoyed it}. When we got there that was one of the things that I was determined to look into & to my surprised the session was free, all you had to do was purchase the pictures you like... Awesome! So here are the ones that we chose...

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, see you Monday!! :)

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  1. Love me some Miley like nobody's business... but you totally already know this from my excessive, wine-induced tweets last night.

    Also, second to last photo? Best photo ever. I'm in love!

  2. I love your wine glass! Where are they from?


  3. Love those pictures from the beach! I would love to have some with my husband on our next trip! I can't wait for part 2 of Breaking Dawn, so excited!!! The teaser was awesome!

  4. Your beach pictures are so good! I bet you had a fabulous time. I didn't watch the VMA's. Didn't even know they were on! I probably don't know half of the 'musicians' out there these days too. SO out of the loop!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  5. awwwww, these are beautiful photos! you guys look amazing! :D

    p.s. i have the VMAs tivoed, still gotta watch it, but i heard taylor swift's performance was really good. :)

    <3, Mimi
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  6. those pictures of you two are just gorgeous! they look like engagment photos! happy weekend love! XO

  7. Super cute photos :) Love the heart one!


Instagram @mmlarose
