
Mexico Get Away Part I

2:31:00 PM

Wow, where has today gone?! It's been crazy around here!! Anyway, as promised I am going to share some pictures from the vacation that I took a couple weeks ago {all edited & pretty!}

I am going to break them down into three days, day one {today} will be all about our daily adventures, day two {tomorrow} will be full of our nightly happenings & then day three {Friday} will be all of the pictures that we had taken by a photographer on the resort!

Let's begin...

My daily view... Pretty much amazing!
Every day this happened!
& this too, he's pretty cute :P

Lunch overlooking the beach... yes please!
Nice glass of bubbly with said lunch :)

He loved the ocean :)

He made a few solo trips into the ocean... I couldn't leave a full drink just sitting around, definite no no!
such a bum :P
The pool was pretty cool too

Morning on our last day :(

Hope you all enjoyed! Be on the look out for round two tomorrow!!

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  1. Beautiful pics - that looks like SO MUCH fun!!!

  2. Gorgeous pics!! Oh how I love Mexico, I bet you guys are already thinking about when you're going to return! ;)

  3. Holy heck!!!! All of these pictures are beyond gorgeous!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mexico! The beaches, the resorts, the relaxing...ahhhhh. We are going in January and I can't wait!!!! Looks like you guys LIVED it up!

  4. wow! how beautiful is that water?! just gorgeous!


Instagram @mmlarose
