
Weekend Recap

1:09:00 PM

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Ours was absolutely fantastic! Friday my husband and I had a rehearsal dinner for two of our closest friends. The wedding was Saturday, which needless to say was amazing. Sunday we attended a graduation party and Monday we just chilled out and caught up on rest from our crazy busy and fun weekend!

Here are some of my favorite pics from the weekend...

*rehearsal dinner*

*getting our hair done before the wedding*

*out and about taking pictures*

*the bride and flower girl*

*bride and groom lol*

*me and Andrew on the bus*

*first dance :)*

*me and the groom*


*bride and groom taking pics, love them*

<3 Melissa

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  1. a wedding AND graduation?! busy weekend girlie! your hair looks great!



Instagram @mmlarose
