Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - My Picks Round 1
7:00:00 AM
If you have been on almost any form of social media the past couple days then you know the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is in FULL SWING for Credit/Debit card holders and everyone else is anxiously awaiting for July 22nd when the sale goes public.

I remember waiting last year and telling myself I would definitely get a debit card prior to this year's sale, well the time has come and yet again I did not apply for a debit card in time. So I am one of the many awaiting the 22nd!
While waiting I have put together some of my most desired pieces when looking through the online Sneak Peak! I will most likely attempt to get to an actual Nordstrom Store and try on many of these items before deciding what to actually purchase, however for the time being I can't help but browse the MANY pages of sale items!! I hope you enjoy...
My Picks -Round 1
So basically I can't wait for Fall. I say it every year and it never tends to disappoint. This sale has me wishing for pumpkin spiced everything and crisp cool days full of pumpkin picking and trick or treating with my boys!
What are your favorites?!? I'd love to hear from all of you!
Stay tuned for more of my picks later this week!
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