
What I've been reading & a little info about my book

8:48:00 AM

On vacation I read roughly four books. Anyone who knows me will realize that was pretty much my paradise {of course the drinks, sand and ocean helped tremendously}

So what did I read you ask?! Well, allow me to share...

First and foremost I finished the Fifty Shades trilogy. I had finished the first book and probably about 15% of the second one when I arrived in Mexico. The point in which I stopped I was getting bored with all of the sex that was going on, I mean I get that's what the books known for but at a certain point it just became too much. When it came to the first book I could understand needing this information to help us fully understand who Christian is and what he needs. Second book came along and it just seemed like he was changing and at that point having that much sex just made me bored, in turn I put the book down and walked away. The more I heard people talking about it I realized I just needed to finish the damn books, I had put a lot of time into reading the first one and was generally interested in how it was going to turn out. Now I won't spoil the ending for those of you who haven't finished it yet {or haven't even started but have considered}... BUT I will admit, I was wrong. I should never have stopped, I should have trucked through and finished the darn books a long time ago. If you are looking for a series to read I would highly suggest this one, and even for those of you who don't want to read it because of all of the hype, I say get over it, if you haven't tried reading it yet you don't know what you are missing. Of course this book won't be for everyone, no book ever is so if you read it and hated it, I apologize but I absolutely loved this series and can NOT wait to see how in the world they are going to create this movie. However I have a few reservations, including...

Stole this from Kate @ Green Fashionista :)
Okay now once I was finished with Fifty Shades I was a little sad, I always get sad when I finish any series that I really enjoy...

The next series that I picked up to read was another one that I had started & again, abandoned {shameful I know}... I actually put this series down in order to start the Fifty Shades books {ey ey ey} This series is one by an amazing author Kevin Hearne called the Iron Druid Chronicles. Now this is a completely different sort of book, if you're looking for a Fifty Shades/Twilight-esque type of book this probably isn't your thing. BUT if you're interested in trying something new, I would highly recommend. It's a pretty quick read, easy to follow & there's a dog who is absolutely hilarious, I can't even tell you how many times I have literally laughed out loud because of him! So far the series has four books, Hounded, Hexed, Hammered & Tricked. November 27th of this year the fifth book, Trapped will be hitting stores {& kindles :)}
Here is a little intro from the author's website about the first book, Hounded...

"Atticus O’Sullivan has been running for two thousand years and he’s a bit tired of it. After he stole a magical sword from the Tuatha Dé Danann (those who became the Sidhe or the Fae) in a first century battle, some of them were furious and gave chase, and some were secretly amused that a Druid had the cheek to defy them. As the centuries passed and Atticus remained an annoyingly long-lived fugitive, those who were furious only grew more so, while others began to aid him in secret.

Now he’s living in Tempe, Arizona, the very last of the Druids, far from where the Fae can easily find him. It’s a place where many paranormals have decided to hide from the troubles of the Old World—from an Icelandic vampire holding a grudge against Thor to a coven of Polish witches who ran from the German Blitzkrieg.

Unfortunately, the very angry Celtic god who wants that sword has tracked him down, and Atticus will need all his power, plus the help of a seductive goddess of death, a sexy bartender possessed by a Hindu witch, and some good, old-fashioned luck of the Irish to kick some arse and deliver himself from evil."

If you're interested & decide to pick this one up please please let me know!! :)

November 27th isn't just the day that the fifth book comes out in the previously mentioned series it is ALSO the day that book 14 comes out in probably one my all time FAVORITE series the Dresden Files!! Harry Dresden is a professional practicing wizard {set in present day} living in Chicago. I can't say enough great things about these books, they have made me laugh out loud but also cry quite a bit too. Unlike any other series I really don't think that you have to like "this kind of book" to actually enjoy and love this series. There is absolutely something for everyone in these books {my husband and I both read them, I can't tell you how great it is to have your absolute best friend to talk to about an amazing book... Generally we have such differing tastes and likes so to find a series to suit us both, well that just says it all right there!} If you want anymore information about this series go ahead and check out the authors WEBSITE


I know that this is a little bit off the beaten path when it comes to the sort of posts I do and way different than any other post I have done about books that I read. My reasoning is simple, these last two series that I have shared with you all are in the exact same genre in which I am writing my book. I have been incredibly inspired by these two authors, yes I had the basis of my story in mind before I even picked these books up, however I wouldn't be nearly as far in my own journey as a writer without these two authors. So due to their inspiration and my dire love for their books I felt compelled to put it all out there. This is also probably the most information I have really shared about the content of my book {other than Andrew of course who has read everything that I have written :P} so I hope you all feel very special :)

Phew, I think that about does it. I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL holiday weekend, I know I will *Let the birthday celebrations begin {in about 7.45 hours hah}*

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  1. I'm so worried Kristen Stewart will play her, too! I don't even know if I could bring myself to watch if she did. I'm thinking Ana Paquin or Julia Robert's niece Emma.


  2. My idea of paradise is sitting on the beach (not too hot) with a drink and a good book. I am currently reading through some novels about the many kings of England. Somehow sitting on a beach reading a book about kings beheading fellow court members seems weird. But oh well. I have about 35 books to get through...


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  3. I just can't read Fifty Shades...My friend told me that the writing in it will kill me, so I am politely passing on that one ;) Good for you, reading four books on vacay!


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