
Show & Tell Shopping Style.

11:25:00 AM

1. Tell us your favorite stores to shop at.

2. What are your "signature pieces" to wear.. your go-to outfits?

3. Show us your style through pictures {of you or pinterest finds}.

4. Show us your favorite celebrity style icons.

5. If you had to spend money on clothes or home items, which would you choose?

This is a very hard question. I am obsessed with decorating my house and with buying new clothes. So I am going to not choose and say I like to go 50/50 because I feel that it is just as important to feel at home at home as it is to feel at "home" in what you wear.

6. Show us your favorite accessories.

7. Tell us in one sentence your philosophy behind shopping. {What makes you buy an item}

Be completely and totally passionate about what you are purchasing, I never buy an item unless I feel like I almost can't live without it; there is nothing worse than walking out of a store and regretting the purchase you just made.

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  1. Totally love your style and the outfit pics!

  2. Your "signature pieces" list looks a lot like mine!

  3. Those favorite stores are mine too! Although I haven't been to Marshalls lately. Guess I better make a trip!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  4. I love this post and you have great style! I'm totally stealing this post idea for tomorrow ;)

  5. So hard to pick between home and clothes... Especially since I'm about to move. haha!! I love your style, hot mama!


Instagram @mmlarose
