
Show & Tell Monday - Link Up

12:00:00 AM

HAPPY MONDAY! So for the past couple weeks I have been wanting to be a part of this Link-Up, however with being out of town as well as previously having posts scheduled it just didn't work out... At least, until now! Becky over at From Mrs. to Mama is constantly keeping me interested & entertained with her posts, many of which revolve around her beyond adorable little girl!

So basically the link-up is simple, just answer the questions she provides {each week she will have the list for the following Monday} & schedule the post to go off the next Monday & that's it!

For this week it's all "baby talk"

1. Tell us your favorite baby names? Aside from your own babies, if you have some :)
Girls: Lily, Annie, Emma & Natalia
Boys: Bentley, Jackson, Jamie

2. Show me your "dream" nursery {can be your baby's nursery or one that you love}


3. How many children would you like to have? How far apart?
I would love to have four, Andrew would like to have two maybe three so we will see... Honestly it just all depends on how the first one goes and if we can comfortably give our children everything that they deserve. Personally I would like three to four years in between them but I feel like that will be a little bit much {it's what my sisters and I all are}... I would be okay with two or three years.

4. Tell us what you think the importance of parenting is?
The importance of parenting is the ability to give your children unconditional love, advice, direction & support that they need

5. Show us your favorite newborn photo {can be your children or random}




6.  Tell us some things you promise to never do as a parent {and if you are a parent, did you stick to it}
Jump to conclusions or judge them {or their friends} without hearing them out & actually listening to them. I don't want to be that parent who's kids go "you just don't listen!" I really hope that I can be an open and understanding parent but not afraid to be strict {when needed!}

Go on & link up yourself!! :)

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  1. stopping by from link-up.

    I love that nursery and the boot pic is one of my all time favorites!

  2. Uh ohhh. Someone has the fevahhhh! ;)
    I'd almost be convinced I want to have a child one day if it meant I could have that nursery. Almost.

  3. Four kids is a lot but it can be a lot of fun too! My boyfriend comes from a family of five and he absolutely loves it - he's grown up with some built-in friends and people he will always be close too, it's kind of lovely isn't it?

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  4. I love the name Emma :)

    That last picture is adorable. Too cute!!

    Happy to be your newest GFC follower. If you have a moment and would like to, you can visit me here The Things We Find Inside

  5. The for sale picture reminds me of me and my brother. My parents asked if I wanted a sibling and I told them I wanted to be an only child!


Instagram @mmlarose
