
Tunnel Hill Training - Week Three!

7:56:00 PM

Coming off of last weeks long run I was in a little bit of a negative head space.
I knew I would bounce out of it after a while but it was still there, bothering me.
Why was that run SO horrible? It's not like I'm not used to running 6 miles.

I needed to shake it off.

Day 1 : Monday 8-6-18

Like I said, I just needed to shake it off. I took Sunday as a rest day and was ready to just get back at it on Monday morning. I met my friend at 5 a.m. to get in some miles. I did my best to slow it down a bit, not push so hard and it worked. It felt awesome! I got in 5 miles and I couldn't have been happier and more at ease with myself. It was definitely what I needed to boost my ego!

Day 2 : Tuesday 8-7-18

Got in this run after work, so I didn't start until about 9 p.m. or so. I really wasn't looking forward to working all night and then coming home to run when all I wanted to do was sleep. But I knew I had to do it otherwise I would be so mad at myself! So I got in the miles, felt great and slept great!!

Day 3 : Wednesday 8-8-18

Okay so this day got away from me. The plan was to crosstrain and use my parents stationary bike. I never got out to their house and before I knew it, it was bed time and the day and evening was just gone. I did get in a SWORKIT core workout and a workout put together by my coach!

Day 4 : Thursday 8-9-18

If you've been following along you know that I'm participating in the Alpine Shop's Summer Trail Running Series. Basically it's 4 Thursdays in August, each course is between 3-5 miles, we found out the course map on the Monday of each week. This Thursday was race one of the four! The race was AWESOME, I love the trails so much and realize just how much I miss them when I get back out there after months of running roads and tracks!

I am running this series as a sponsored athlete by SWORKIT, I'll have the full race review up this week before race two! Long story short, Charlie got sick in the car on the way home so my night, instead of writing my blog post, I was taking care of him and just making sure he was okay. Then life has just taken over but it'll be up soon and I'm so excited for that and for the rest of the races in the series!

Day 5 : Friday 8-10-18

Another late night run.
Technically this run was after midnight BUT I hadn't been to bed yet so I still consider this Friday's run!
I went to the Muny with my Mom to see the last show of the season, Meet Me In St. Louis so the entire day was full of getting house stuff done and making sure the boys were ready to go for Andrew when he got home.
I was really happy with that run, though, so there's that!

Day 6 : Saturday 8-11-18

I finally got on the darn bike!
I got in 7 miles in 30 minutes, is that a good ride?! I have no clue. I don't ride bikes ever so I was just happy I got something in after missing out on Wednesday!

Also, my butt has been entirely sore since this ride!

Day 7 : Sunday 8-12-18

The dreaded long run was upon me. After last week I knew I had to be 100% prepared. I planned it out and made sure I was going to have enough water and fuel in my body prior to going out. My path was way better thought out and my timing was better as well.

The 8 miles went quite seamlessly and I felt vindicated from last week. I walked away feeling really good about myself and my running journey. I did keep it a little slower again but that was the plan, to keep it slow and steady and not overdo it! I'm learning how to pace myself and it's really making a huge difference!

Here's to week FOUR!!!


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