
When I was seventeen

8:00:00 AM

1. When you were 17, tell us what kind of car you drove, where you worked, and what you were usually up to on the weekends.

I drove a GMC Jimmy, bright red. To this day I am kicking myself in the butt for not holding onto it {I traded it in my freshman year in college for a Ford Fusion, love my car but it would of made so much more sense to keep a perfectly running vehicle & have no car payments...}

I worked at SUBWAY, which is where I met Andrew {you can read our story HERE}

On the weekends, we were either at a Football game, a dance, or just hanging out at someone's house, usually mine.

2. Show us a picture of you when you were 17 {roughly}.

3. When you were 17, tell us what you wanted to be when you "grew up."

A teacher. Still do, kind of.

4. When you were 17, tell us the kind of boys that you dated. Did you have a type? Do you have a relationship you remember well? Tell us about it.

At the time I didn't really think I had a "type" but just ask a few of my friends, they'll tell you I always have had a "type"... Skinny, tall, dark hair, blue eyes. I never really saw it but now looking back I guess I did. I dated a little bit, one pretty serious relationship before Andrew, that lasted until the beginning on Senior year, cue Andrew. Looking back, it was just a mess all around, very on-off & just a VERY high school type of relationship.

5. When you were 17, tell us where you pictured your life 10 years from then. Did it turn out the way you expected it to?

I always pictured myself married young, having a family fairly young, so I am definitely on track in that department & have no reason to believe that by the time I am 28 I will be right where I want to be in that aspect. As far as everything else, I changed my major in college, decided not to teach {yet} & have chosen to write a book instead. So in the work aspect, no it did not turn out how I expected it to BUT it is a good thing & I am glad that things have gone where they have & am very excited to see where things go from here :)

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  1. That picture...pure awesomeness.

    Oh the days of 17...! :)


  2. You were adorable at 17! What are you talking about!

    I completely agree with you! Car payments suck once you have to start paying them lol.

    xoxo <33

  3. OMG look how cute you were in high school! So young! Did you get to eat all the sandwiches you wanted while working at subway?!?

  4. aww I crashed my first car (an altima) and wish I had just paid to get it fixed instead of buying a new car, because car payments suck! Such a cute picture of you at 17


Instagram @mmlarose
