

12:03:00 PM

It's Friday, finally, was it just me or did this week draaaag on? Well this weekend is going to be crazy busy for me. Tonight, preparing for everything going on. Saturday, Bachelorette party. Sunday, my high school's Fall Festival {in which I will be there all day, so anyone in the area should stop by!}

So I want to take some time and reflect on this week & write some letters.

dear weekend, please be easy on me, you will be very busy & i don't want to lose my mind. dear weather, really? you wait until now to cool down, when i have to be outside all day sunday? this is just not cool, i will forgive you only because i will get to look cute in fall clothing. dear pups, i'm sorry for being so busy lately & having you girls in your cages a lot, i promise tonight we will cuddle & watch tv & hang out for a long time. dear cardinals, let's get this & win tonight so we can start the real play offs. dear starbucks, i really appreciate you being so dependable & reliable, it's nice to always have you there. dear readers, thank you for the continuous support here on the blog, i appreciate it more than you can imagine. dear october, thank you for finally being here, i am extremely excited to finally be able to break out all the fall attire. dear andrew, i love you more than anything babe. dear khloe, i hope your tummy feels better baby girl, i will tell daddy never to buy you that bacon filled hoof treat every again, but instead to get you something even better ;). dear joss & main, i see the majority of my money going to you in the next few months, how dare you be so amazing. dear stormy weather, please go away, you have this girl wanting to do nothing but go home & sleep.

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I have a pretty exciting announcement to make... I am currently sponsoring an amazing blogger, Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup, now I am sure that you have hear of her, if not, go check her out asap. Right now I have a pretty awesome giveaway going on over on her blog...

Also, there's still time to enter my GIVEAWAY in honor of reaching 200 GFC followers!

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  1. I am so glad it is finally October too! But it's hard to believe the year is almost over. I feel the same way about stormy days, unless I am home to lounge it needs to be nice and sunny!

  2. Aww Weiser had an upset tummy too! Hope yours is feeling better and that you had a great weekend!


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