
Recipe Post: Bean Dip

8:00:00 AM

So it's football season & where I am not a HUGE football fan, I do love to get together with family & friends to eat & drink watch the game. I never show up anywhere empty handed, seriously it's sometimes a problem {Andrew has even said "you know you don't have to bring anything, right?"... Yes I know, but I can't help myself}.

A couple years ago my Mother-In-Law made this amazing bean dip & of course I immediately got the recipe from her & it has been my "go-to" party snack to bring anywhere.

Today, I am sharing this delicious recipe with you...

What you'll need:

1 package Shredded Lettuce {any brand will do}
Three cans Diced Tomatoes {again, any brand will do. I used Rotel Hot with Habaneros. You can also substitute your favorite salsa instead of using the diced tomatoes}
1 Pack Taco Bell Taco Seasoning Mix
1 can Taco Bell Refried Beans
1 16oz tub of Daisy's Light Sour Cream
1 Package shredded cheese {I used Kraft Mexican Four Cheese-again, any brand will do, just pick what you like!}
1 Bag chips to dip with

1 container or dish to prepare & serve it in
{I absolutely love these GLAD containers with lids. Perfect size for this recipe in particular, plastic & not glass *nice*, has a lid so no need to mess with plastic wrap & pretty inexpensive so it's not ENTIRELY a let down if you forget it at the party}


In a medium sized mixing bowl, mix together the refried beans & taco seasoning mix

Take the mixture from STEP ONE and spread it out across the bottom of the dish that you are going to be serving the mix in

Take your tub of sour cream and spread it over the bean mixture

Take your diced tomatoes or your salsa and spread it out over the sour cream {Now if you are using canned tomatoes like I did, I would HIGHLY recommend you draining them as much as you can before you pour them directly on top of the sour cream, you don't want your dip runny}

Now take your lettuce and sprinkle it over the salsa or tomatoes

Now just take your shredded cheese and sprinkle it over the lettuce!

Put the lid on it & it's ready to go!!!
{Make sure you keep the dip refrigerated as long as possible, with the sour cream & cheese it will taste best if kept cold until ready to be served}

The fun part about this recipe is that you can play around with it, you don't like your dips THAT hot, use mild salsa or mild diced tomatoes. You can also add toppings like olives, jalapenos or even some shredded chicken. This is a recipe that you can make to your own specific taste, which if you ask me, is the BEST kind of recipe out there.

If you try it out, let me know how it goes!!!


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  1. Nothing better than this kind of snack...you know my LOVE for Mexican food!!! I could eat that whole thing...no lie!

  2. I love Mexican, too! And this is so simple. Great recipe! Thanks.


    P.S. Hope my tweet about Modern Family didn't come across too harsh - no spoilers. ;o)

  3. Yum! This looks so good! I'm gonna make this soon for sure :)


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