
Click a Pic ;)

8:04:00 AM

Good morning everyone!! First off I just want to say how extremely excited I am that I reached just over 100 followers as of last night... Seriously, I can't even describe how grateful and thankful I am to all of you for making this little blog of mine so much fun to write for :)

Now onto business... If you recall last week I clinked up with two amazing bloggers, Kelly {MessyDirtyHair} and Nicholl {The Chiffon Diary} for their Click a Pick Challenge. If not, it can be found HERE. Well I am at it again & linking up with these lovely ladies for this weeks challenge...

Brand Whore... Seriously, if I could afford it, this is where I would be shopping daily, definitely a dream of mine *sigh*
Meaningful Accessory... No question, my wedding ring is the most meaningful accessory I have ever had :)

Cozy... When I get home from work, she likes to come and be as close to me as possible... Khloe does too, so they fight, and Mab usually ends up hiding behind my leg like this lol

Manicure...  One of my new favorite colors

Quote... So if you know anything about me, you know just how obsessed with One Tree Hill I am. Seriously, it's probably one of the best written shows ever {at least in my opinion} Out of all of the quotes this show has inspired me with this one has the most meaning for me...

Now it's your turn... Go visit these two ladies & link up yourself :)

The Chiffon Diary
Let me know if you do!

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  1. What a beautiful wedding ring!

    I also love the coral nail polish :-)

  2. Congrats one 100! That's so awesome! I love watching my followers grow! I know it's not about the # but everyone still gets excited to see their followers grow! :)
    I love love love your rings!
    And oh my gosh, is that a pug?! Too cute!!

  3. love these picks! your wedding ring is gorgeous and I would totally be decked out with lv bags if I could! Have a happy Tuesday and be sure to check out my giveaway ending very soon. BTW I am your newest follower and cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow The Preppy Student. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!

  4. Found your blog via The Chiffon Diary..
    Come say hello and enter my give away at starsstripesandamilitarylife.blogspot.com


  5. Congrats on 100 followers! Found you on messy dirty hair. Your doggy is so cute!

  6. My ring is my most meaningful accessory too! What a cute pup :)

  7. Your wedding ring is beautiful! I love it :)

    Found you via Kelly's blog. Can't wait to read more! xoxo

  8. Just found you through another blog. Would love for you to visit


  9. Thanks for linking up lover!!!! SO happy you've surpassed 100 followers! Great pics...so I use to be obsessed w OTH!!!! I have all the DVDs! It was such a great show and the story lines & writers were fabulous. And then Peyton and Lucas left & I felt it went downhill. But I'll always love that show!! Your wedding ring is gorg!! Xo Kelly

  10. Hi Melissa! Congrats on getting over 100 followers- how fun :) Just stopping by to say I nominated you for the Liebster award that is going around. I think your blog is awesome!


Instagram @mmlarose
