Let The Training Begin!

1:46:00 PM

Happy Sunday!! I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!

I'm coming to you today with a post that I hope will be a lot of fun to read! After completing the GO! St. Louis Half Marathon on April 9th, my friend Kellie and I were immediately planning the next half that we would do together. We ended up finding one over in Illinois called Vine to Wine Half Marathon and 5K... I mean what's better than finishing the half and then having a free glass of wine? Nothing is wrong with that! We immediately signed up and now have all of our friends on board to complete either the half along with us or the 5K!

We are so excited for this next race and have already began training! My personal goal is to complete a FULL marathon by the end of the year so I'm personally training like I'm going to be running a full (the day of the race is actually a long run day for me around the same mileage so it works out great!)

Once a week I'm hoping to be able to break down my workouts for you guys and share just what I've been doing and how my training plan is working for me, having two kids has already made week 1 interesting!

I started on Monday (after watching the Boston Marathon of course) with running 2 miles while pushing Oliver in his stroller. Those 2 miles I had him yelling "Faster, Mommy! Faster!" The entire time. Nothing like the motivation of a 3 year old who just wants to "race" to get you going!

Tuesday, since Oliver was still on Spring Break from school, I took BOTH boys and did 3 miles on Grant's Trail. I promised the boys they could see horses so we ended up stopping for a bit which was a nice break. They're almost TOO big to be pushing them both on a run!

Wednesday I hit the gym to do a fun and quick 20 minute (2.1 mile) Fartlek workout. Probably my favorite training day of the week! Here's the workout I did...
5 minute warm up at 4.5
5 X 2 at 7.0, 2 at 5.0
5 minute cool down at 4.5

Thursday I rested, and by rest I just mean didn't go to the gym or run. Thursday was in no way a rest day! We did take the boys and puppies to the dog park where they played with their friends and wore everyone out!

Friday was another gym day. Not only was I not entirely brave enough yet to push both boys again, it was also raining and cold. I got in an easy 3 miles while the boys played in the daycare, which they have grown to LOVE and ask to go!

Saturday was another rest day, which entailed a lot of running around with toddlers and cleaning up after all of their messes, again, not exactly a "rest" day in my mind!

Sunday, I was so thankful to have a wonderful Mother-in-Law who is willing to help out and watch the boys while I got in my long run for the week! While I got in my 4 miles the boys were safe with their Nana. I can guarantee I'll be utilizing both my husband's Mom and my own parents a LOT during this training schedule. After all, Sundays are my long run days and Andrew works on those days, plus I'd really like to get in my long runs outdoors!

Today is recovery today so I'll be trucking the kids on a decent walk around the neighborhood to get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather! Be sure to check out my IG page for updates on how that all goes and everything else we are up to this week! I'll share another training update next week!


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  1. Yay!!!! I'll be running the Tinkerbell Half Marathon at Disneyland in 2 weeks and I'm pumped! It's so fun finding races to participate in. :)


Instagram @mmlarose
