
Tunnel Hill Training - Week Fourteen & Fifteen

10:24:00 PM

"Disclaimer: I received free entry to the Scooby Doo Run Series and I received my entry as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!"

I'm sitting here, it's race week, I'm a ball of nerves and emotions. This seems like the perfect time to catch you all up on my journey these past two weeks!

Here we go...

Day 1 : Monday 10-22-18

12 miles. After 20 miles Sunday, my legs were jello. Felt strong and good during the run but definitely felt the "running on tired legs" afterwards!

Day 2 : Tuesday 10-23-18

8 Miles to recover! Had to make sure I kept the pace steady and slow, it's really easy for me to get on that treadmill and just go! I have to constantly remind myself that I have to slow down and take it easy for training purposes, slow recovery runs are essential to the training process!

Day 3 : Wednesday 10-24-18

60 minutes on the bike to cross train! Both the boys were in school so it was a nice 60 minutes of peace and quiet while I rode. 

Day 4 : Thursday 10-25-18

7 mile progression run. Keeping the first 3 miles steady and increasing the last 4! These runs are hands down my favorite. I love pushing the pace and just seeing how fast and hard I can go for an entire mile and then not stop, but keep going! I can absolutely see a difference in my runs by incorporating this speed work weekly!

Day 5 : Friday 10-26-18

Day 6 : Saturday 10-27-18

Completed the Quivering Quads II 8.1 mile trail run! I was able to run this race 20+ minutes faster than last year which boosted my confidence immensely! My mom ran this race with me and my incredible coach was there cheering on along the course and then at the end! I love these races and I love this running community!

Day 7 : Sunday 10-28-18

10 miles to recover. My legs were a little more tired today than I had originally thought they would be. I pushed at the race yesterday so it was interesting to be that sore from relatively low mileage! Either way I got it done and am starting to really understand what it means to run on those tired legs. Guess I should get used to that, right?!

Day 1 : Monday 10-29-18

Day 2 : Tuesday 10-30-18

6 easy miles and 4 strides! Followed by some fun pictures with Charlie, taken by Oliver. They're growing up so fast and I love that they get to watch me run, chase goals and live out my dreams when in comes to running. I hope that I can set a good example for them and teach them that goals and achievements are all possible as long as you put in the work every single day!

Day 3 : Wednesday 10-31-18

4 easy AM miles before the boys woke up! Took them to school and then got the dogs out there for the Scoobtober virtual 5k!

It was wet and rainy but we got it done! They were SOOOO happy with the hat choice, if you can't tell! We loved being a part of this run series and have really enjoyed seeing other dogs out there complete this run as well! Here's to many future runs with our fur babies!

Day 4 : Thursday 11-1-18

6 easy. He's such a ham! I love how much he loves to take pictures with me, Oliver is over it mostly so I'll hang on to this one and never turn him down!

Day 5 : Friday 11-2-18

4 miles while the rest of the house slept! We had a lot to get done Thursday so getting the miles in in the AM was really the only choice. I always love running in the morning after the run, my days go so much smoother. However it's hard to pry myself out of my nice warm bed when everyone else sleeps!

Day 6 : Saturday 11-3-18

After 7 hours at a craft show (my sister-in-law and I had a booth selling our home made items!) I ran 7 miles, played with the boys and put them to bed! Some times running doesn't seem like it's going to fit in, but then we make it work. I couldn't do it without the support of my family, mainly my husband because he's the one that pushes me to keep going and not skip a run! 

Day 7 : Sunday 11-4-18

Day 2 of the craft show so I had to get up extra early and get in my recovery miles! Also, it was like Oliver read my mind and understood how sad I get when he doesn't want to be in my pictures. I came upstairs after my run and he goes "MOM I WANT TO BE IN YOUR PICTURE TODAY TOO!" I count that as a huge win!


Surreal. That's what I'm feeling right now, the fact that I'm writing a recap for week FIFTEEN is surreal.

These last two weeks flew by. I'm sitting here reminiscing over these miles and runs and realizing just how crazy it is that this race is 6 days away! It feels like yesterday I started this training cycle. I'm nervous, I'm excited, I'm prepared, I'm beyond scared.

Thank you all for following along so far... I look forward to sharing week 16 with you all this Friday and then recap the race next week.. I promise I will do my absolute best to share every single moment with all of you, after all, you have all been such a huge part of my journey and I appreciate all of your love and support along the way!


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