
Tunnel Hill Training - Weeks Nine & Ten!

10:33:00 PM

"Disclaimer: I received free entry to the Scooby Doo Run Series (DooGood 5k) and I received my entry as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!"

I feel like I blinked and I'm about to embark on week ELEVEN of training! I was just looking at my calendar and my race is only 40 days away!!! Let the nerves set in for a bit and I'm freaking out a little bit. I can't even put my finger on WHY I'm nervous exactly. I know I can do this, I have put in the work and have roughly five and a half weeks of training to go still. I just can't get out of my head about all of the possible outcomes. Also, I'm a little scared. Scared of the distance, scared of what the day is going to be like, all around just scared.

It's been a couple weeks since my last update, a lot was going on and I wanted to focus on my training and rest as much as I could. I felt that sharing my training in a quick breakdown wasn't going to be doing any good, so I held off so I could go more in depth and really bring you along on the journey, after all, that's part of the reason I've created this blog and these series of training posts!

Our lives have been non stop since the start of school and the boys playing soccer so we're constantly on the go! On top of that I'm hitting higher mileage weeks than I've ever done before. Fitting everything in has been somewhat of a jigsaw puzzle and I'm so lucky that I have a family and friends who support my craziness and have been there for me every step of the way. My husband has been incredibly supportive and has given up quite a few of our normal slow paced Saturday mornings by going solo with the boys while I'm finishing up my long runs. I couldn't be doing this without him and I am SO happy that he's going to be there on race day crewing for me!

The other crew member I'll have there with my is my Mom, not only is she going to crew but she'll be there should I need a pacer towards the end. Other than that I am considering having a third person, I'm not entirely sure who I would ask to give up an entire Saturday and drive about an hour away to sit outside and wait for me from aid station to aid station! If anyone out there is interested, I'd love to have you! :)

So here we go...

Week Nine
Day 1 : Monday 9-17-18

Rest Day

I take my rest days quite seriously. I love being able to lounge around and relax. Okay, most Mondays I tend to get a little antsy towards the end of the day because not running drives me just as crazy as dreading some of the runs during the week.

Let's examine this picture, shall we?! See that pillow up there?! It's my FAVORITE pillow from BedGear. I took their super quick and easy Pillow ID Quiz to find the right fit for my personal sleep style, they suggested I sleep with the Balance Series 1.0! I've been sleeping with it for the past couple weeks and I'm obsessed. I have been loving every single night of sleep I've gotten on this pillow. The breathable technology has been incredible and our entire family has been fighting over who gets to use this pillow!

Check them out HERE, take the quiz yourself and then use code BIBRAVE15 for 15% off (excluding WOW Deals) valid through 11-30-18.

Day 2 : Tuesday 9-18-18

7 treadmill miles done today! The boys were going crazy the entire time so there were quite a few breaks taking to stop the boys from fighting one another. There was even once when Oliver had Charlie in what resembled a complex wresting hold... I swear, boys are insane. One minute they're fighting and the next they can't stop hugging and kissing each other. I also was dealing with a bit of a sinus infection so my head was a little fuzzy and my breathing a bit difficult. All in all I was glad I got the run in, there wasn't any way that I was going to make an excuse and push this workout.

Day 3 : Wednesday 9-19-18

I haven't ran a timed run since my Double Chubb training. So I started out with a 20 minute warm up, followed by 20x 1 minute hard then 1 minute easy, then a 10 minute cool down. I got in a total of 6.81 miles and it felt really good. I enjoyed not having a mileage hanging over my head but rather a time. I knew I was going to be running for a certain amount of time and that was really comforting and helped me get in a mindset for this run. I was happy with my mileage on top of it all as well!

Day 4 : Thursday 9-20-18

Holy heat. This run was intense. We ran faster than expected and dealt with the heat and humidity! I couldn't wait to get home and rinse off, I could ring out my clothes as if they had just come out of the washer! Cool, right?! Got in 4.2 miles and was happy to have gotten that run out of the way in the early AM before the heat kicked up a bit in the afternoon. Also, shout out to this lady for being on SO many of my runs this training cycle. She's been a kick butt running partner and have enjoyed every minute of our time together!

Day 5 : Friday 9-21-18

I didn't stop this entire day! I swear I was go-go-go from sun up until sun down! Got in my yoga cross training thankfully! I knew I was going to need it since I had a HUGE long run in store the next day!

Day 6 : Saturday 9-22-18

This run scared me. I saw 20 miles on my plan and I knew that I was going to have to mentally prepare for it. During my entire Double Chubb training my highest mileage I ran was on a treadmill. Other than my 50k, this training run was the farthest run I have ran outdoors and it was terrifying but after it was over I felt great! The first 14 miles I ran with my running partner! We talked, we saw tons of dead birds on the trail (still unsure what that was all about but there were at least a dozen of the same breed bird dead all along the same small stretch of trail), and we dealt with all of the crazy bikers! 14 miles in and I decided to get in the last 6 on my own on the trail instead of heading home and using the treadmill. I wanted this run all outdoors!

Nutrition is going great, I'm eating roughly every 40 minutes and every time I hit my aid station/car! PBJ's, peaches, plums and banana nut muffins have been my favorite go-to foods so far! I've also been paying attention to my hydration and electrolyte intake as well. I can honestly say that by paying attention to these things I feel like I could run forever! I don't ever let myself fall behind or tell myself to just hold on a few more minutes, if I feel hungry or thirsty or deficient in any sense, I slow down and take in what I need! I've never done this before so it has taken a bit of practice for me, nutrition and me have never meshed well!

Day 7 : Sunday 9-23-18

Recovery miles today! Took it easy, got in 4 miles and was just happy that I wasn't really sore from the day before! Again, a first for me, hitting such a long distance on Saturday and not feel sore the next morning! I can feel my body getting stronger each week and it always seems to surprise me!

Week Ten
Day 1 : Monday 9-24-18


Again, another day of rest and attempted relaxation! 

Day 2 : Tuesday 9-25-18

I really didn't want to do this run. Same timed workout as last week and I was dreading it. I was tired and just run down from chasing the boys around all day. They take it out of me on a daily basis and I am constantly feeling like I have to fight the urge to just pass out at every given chance!

So again, 20 minute warm up, 20x 1 minute fast then 1 minute slow, and a 10 minute cool down. The awesome part about this run is that I hit the 7 mile mark! Upped my mileage from last weeks timed run and it felt great! After the warm up I just got into a groove and kept going!
Day 3 : Wednesday 9-26-18

5 treadmill miles. The boys cooperated more on this run but the motivation just isn't there lately. I can't explain it but it's been taking much more self motivation to get my butt on that treadmill or out on the roads! I'm always much happier after my runs so for my sanity and my families sanity I just have to make myself get these workouts in!

Day 4 : Thursday 9-27-18

I needed to get this run in before work. I knew that the day was going to be packed so planning strategically was a big deal. Thankfully I was able to do it and didn't have to get on that treadmill post work! Another speed workout for the week. First 5 were steady and the last 3 I increased a bit each mile! Felt good, felt right, got into a groove and let this run just flow!

Day 5 : Friday 9-28-18

Oh my gosh, the DooGood 5k was such a fun run that I got in on Friday! I was so lucky to have my dogs, Charlie, my sister-in-law and her pup along for the ride! Being part of BibRave I've had the pleasure of testing out some incredible products and ran one other FUN race, but this whole Scooby Doo Run series has been such a blast! I'm able to train and race whenever is convenient for me being as the race is virtual and basically all on our own honesty! I was so happy that my sister-in-law was willing and able to join us today, we had a blast with the dogs getting it done and us being able to chat and just hang out. Let's be real, we could just drop the "in-law" at the end of that because it's definitely a much closer relationship than that title tends to convey!

Coming up in October we have the Scoobtober 5k as well so I'm hoping we can plan it out to have this group back together again to tackle that 5k as well!

Day 6 : Saturday 9-29-18

First I just have to say that I feel so incredibly lucky to live in a city where the running community is beyond inviting. I am part of a few amazing running clubs through Facebook and have never once felt judged or anything of the sort. Not only do these run clubs feel super inclusive they also host group runs very regularly. One of my FAVORITES is Arch City Run Club's LADIES TO THE TRAILS events. Basically it's a ladies run that meets once a month at a different trail in the area. I've met some awesome ladies through these runs and love showing up on my own and just seeing where the run takes us. I always feel like I walk away on cloud 9 having just run through the woods, no matter the temperature or weather, with ladies who completely understand my love for this sport.

On Saturday I was able to meet up with the ACRC LADIES TO TRAIL run group and I got in 8 miles. On top of just having an awesome group of ladies, the leader of this group and the coordinator of the event is none other than my COACH, Jaime! So not only did I get to hang out with some kick butt ladies, I was also able to get some one-on-one run time with my coach and mentor! I can honestly say I think of her as a friend and mentor who just happens to be my wonderful and knowledgeable coach! She just has that personality you want to be around, she is positive and welcoming and it's impossible to NOT want to be around that energy!

The rest of the day we were crazy busy so I got in the last 7 miles of my long run that evening on the treadmill before the boys went to sleep. Those miles went really well! I was hitting times I didn't even plan on and afterwards felt like I could take on the world! All in all I can say my motivation came back like crazy today!

Day 7 : Sunday 9-30-18

Had to get in 6 recovery miles today and of course the boys soccer game was today, the only Sunday game all season. I was able to knock the run out in the evening after the game and again was on fire! I just hope this feeling and motivation can keep going throughout the rest of training!!!


The past couple weeks have been crazy. I don't see that slowing down anytime soon. All in all I'm super happy with how training has been going. Also, a little fun side note, after Sundays run I added up my monthly mileage for September and hit 161.45 miles which beats any other month by a long shot mileage wise for me! I feel like I earned every single mile of September and can't wait to see what October has in store!!

Thank you for sticking with this post and getting to the end. You rock and I'm so happy you're here and coming along on this journey with me, it gives me a lot of inspiration knowing that I have your support!

Here's to a new week, new workouts and getting on with training!


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