

7:00:00 AM

"Disclaimer: I received free entry to the Hospital Hill race as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!"

Week 2 of Hospital Hill Half Marathon Training has come and gone! Let's just say that this week definitely tested me, we had a lot going on this week making running much more of a challenge. I was able to get it done and really appreciate my family helping me make this journey a priority!

Let's jump right in shall we?

Day 1 :

The plan : Run/walk anywhere up to 6 miles or rest

The Reality : I chose to make Monday a rest day. We officially had our anniversary on Monday, April 30th so we spent the day just hanging out with our boys. It really was the perfect way to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary!

Day 2 :

The plan : 1-2 mile warm up. 6-8 x 400m @ 7:49 pace, jog 400m in between. 1-2 mile cool down.

The Reality : Day 2 was Andrew's birthday. Our day was filled with fun crafts that the boys wanted to do for their Daddy. Because he understands and supports my crazy I was able to sneak in a couple miles during his birthday evening! I switched around my plan for the week from here on out!

... I know I'm biased, but for real, aren't they the cutest?!?

Day 3 :

The plan : Run/walk anywhere up to 6 miles or rest.

The Reality : 2 mile warm up. 6-8 x 400m @ 7:49 pace, jog 400m in between. 2 mile cool down.

I was able to get really close to that time as well, I did get a little overzealous at one point and ran the 400m at a 6:59 pace, the rest hovered around 7:40/8:00 pace. This speed work was actually much easier than I thought it was going to be.

Day 4 :

The plan : 1-2 mile warm up. 8 x 800m @ 9:09 pace, rest 1 minute in between. 1-2 mile cool down.

The Reality : I only had 30 minutes before I had to put the boys to bed. I got in a quick 5k before bath & bed time! After the speed work from the day before my legs were a little tired so getting in an easy run was definitely necessary!

Day 5 :

The plan : Run/walk anywhere up to 6 miles or rest.

The Reality : 1 mile warm up. 4 x 800m @ 9:09 pace. 1 mile cool down.

Again, I was supposed to get in 8 x 800, instead I only had time for 4. I had to quickly shower and get ready before picking up Charlie from school. We had plans to go to the Zoo that afternoon and that evening we had an event for my husband. I only had about an hour in the morning to squeeze in any type of speed work. Again, I felt that getting in those 4 reps was better than none. I was also able to hit extremely close to that time!

... They had a blast!

Day 6 :

The plan : Run/walk anywhere up to 6 miles or rest.

The Reality : Rest. It was cinco de mayo and the Kentucky Derby. My parents threw a huge party, which they don't do that often anymore sadly, so we went and had a blast! It was a much needed rest day!

Day 7 :

The plan : 10 mile long run at an easy pace.

The Reality : 10 trail miles with my Mom!

I love being able to run with my Mom, granted we talked a lot during this run but it still felt incredible to get in these miles on the trails. We ventured back to the place where my 50k (her 25k) race took place earlier in April! The trail was much drier and much more enjoyable!! I look forward to getting in some more of my long runs out here!


This week, albeit needing to finagle some things around, went really well in my opinion! There were a few wrench's in the road and I was able to figure it all out and adapt to what I had time for. I'm already prepping for this upcoming week and am looking forward to the challenging speed work that it's going to entail!!

It's not too late to sign up for the Hospital Hill Race!! Head on over and register today, and when you do be sure to use code "BIBHHR18" at checkout and receive AN EXTRA 15% off of your registration!! Who doesn't love discount codes for races?!?

I hope everyone has an awesome week and I look forward to seeing you all back here next Monday for week three of my Hospital Hill training recap!!


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  1. My husband will actually be running this half! I'll have already moved so I'm bummed.


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